Restore Your Home to Tiptop Shape

Hire us for home repair services in Orleans, Saranac & Grand Rapids, MI

Small household problems can add up over time. That's why any issue you come across should be taken care of quickly and efficiently by a professional. Let R&M Services show your home the care it needs to remain in peak condition. We provide home repair services in Orleans, Saranac & Grand Rapids, MI or surrounding areas.

Our licensed handymen specialize in:

Deck repairs
Drywall repairs
Faucet repairs
Appliance repairs
Small engine repairs

Backed by over 10 years of experience, our team can handle just about any problem that we're faced with. You can count on us to help maintain your home's comfort and functionality.

Contact us today to arrange for home repair services. We offer free estimates.

Trust our handyman with your odd jobs

Do you have a growing to-do list that you can't seem to get a grasp on? Our licensed contractor has experience with various home repair services and can help you finally start checking items off. We'll work safely and efficiently to complete each job and take our time to ensure all equipment is used correctly.

You can trust us to complete the things you don't have time for and the jobs you have no clue how to accomplish. No matter your request, we'll handle the work like a pro so you can maintain a functional home.

Contact our licensed contractor today to schedule home repair services in Orleans, Saranac or Grand Rapids, MI.